Rhyming Disclaimer: Beckenbauer jog for warm up, plus three 30 X 30 X 30’s.
Warm up: OYO- trunk rolls, huggy bears, LB arm circles. IC -overhead claps, Moroccan night clubs, imperial squat walkers, and lung walk.
Low impact cardio: in sand
Merkins, Peter Parkers, mountain climbers, plank walk, and Freddie Mercury.
Core stability: in sand
Half-superman, glute bridge, big boys, Al Gore, ballerina, crab cakes, back plank.
Weights: AMRAP 45 seconds, 2 sets each
Back: Shoulders: Arms:
back fly military press curls
good mornings chest fly skull crushers
pause squats arm raises tricep press
Hip progression.
COT: COR, NOR, announcements, prayer requests.
Team photo followed by an hour of mumble chatter.