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Mosey to warm-up with high knees, butt kickers, side shuffle, and touching the ground while jogging.
Warm up: OYO – trunk rolls, huggy bears, LB arm circles. IC x 10 – overhead claps, night clubs, grass pickers, calf stretch.
Low impact cardio: IC x 20 – imperial walkers, Peter Parkers, mountain climbers, walking plank, Freddie Mercury.
Core stability: IC x 20 half superman, big boys, crab cakes. 30 count: glute bridge, Al Gore, ballerina, back plank.
The Thang: AMRAP with two 15 lbs. dumbbells for 45 seconds, 2 sets each. Back exercises: back fly, good mornings, pause squats. Shoulders: military press, chest flys, arm raises. Arms: curls, skull crushers, tricep press.
COT: COR, NOR, announcements, prayer requests.