Stick Together: Partner Exercises

Disclaimer: • Free of charge, rotationally led, volunteer, peer-led • Open to All Men • Not a professional • Modify as Needed • End with CoT • At your own risk, do you accept? Warm-a-ram-a: -Get the Blood Moving: De-Motivators from 10 down to 0 -Grass Pickers -Tricep Stretch -Chest Stretch -Pretzel Stretch The Thang: Stick Together – Power Merkin Ladder, Alternate from 1 to 8 and back down to 1. each partner does full ladder. 1 partner does merkin, other planks Mosey to Pavilion: – Bulgarian Split Squats with Coupons – Alternate with Partner 3 sets of 8 each leg – American Hammer Circles with Coupons – Pass back and forth being back to back – Partner Leg Push Downs – One partner on their back, the other pushes their legs down and partner has to keep them straight and bring them back to starting position -Indian Run Lap with Hand Release Merkins Before Running to the Front – This is about sticking together, not about speed. Mary: Dealer’s Choice: Alabama Ass Kickers, Side Crunches, Mountain Climber/Ins and Outs, Crunchy Frogs, LBCs Count-A-Rama, Name-A-Rama and CoT Prayers for challenging situations in our life, lifting up DropBox in particular. Grateful that we have each other and God to support us through this life.

F3 Lehigh Valley