Disclaimer: • Free of charge, rotationally led, volunteer, peer-led • Open to All Men • Not a professional • Modify as Needed • End with CoT • At your own risk, do you accept? Warm-a-ram-a: -Get the Blood Moving: De-Motivators from 10 down to 0 -Grass Pickers -Tricep Stretch -Chest Stretch -Pretzel Stretch The Thang: Stick Together – Power Merkin Ladder, Alternate from 1 to 8 and back down to 1. each partner does full ladder. 1 partner does merkin, other planks Mosey to Pavilion: – Bulgarian Split Squats with Coupons – Alternate with Partner 3 sets of 8 each leg – American Hammer Circles with Coupons – Pass back and forth being back to back – Partner Leg Push Downs – One partner on their back, the other pushes their legs down and partner has to keep them straight and bring them back to starting position -Indian Run Lap with Hand Release Merkins Before Running to the Front – This is about sticking together, not about speed. Mary: Dealer’s Choice: Alabama Ass Kickers, Side Crunches, Mountain Climber/Ins and Outs, Crunchy Frogs, LBCs Count-A-Rama, Name-A-Rama and CoT Prayers for challenging situations in our life, lifting up DropBox in particular. Grateful that we have each other and God to support us through this life.