Treehugger stepped up to Q and in true form announced a counting free, cadence less, creative workout. Much mumble chatter involving back abs as well as 2 startling confessions by tree hugger that he likes body builders more than burpees and he doesn’t eat candy anymore.
-quick disclosure, skip warmups with mosey to the runners loop, explained “sprinters choice” en route
-All pax ran one lap around fitness track
-each additional round the sprinter (oldest to youngest) picks the ab workout that all PAX do together, then the body weight exercise that everyone does while sprinter runs….did 2 rounds thru….
exercises/ ab workouts included ( in no particular order) :
burpees, merkins, ww1s, big boys, lunge walk, bear crawl, ab alphabet, merkins, 6 inches, standing American hammers, crab walk, body builders, super mans with abducters (“back abs”), bicycles, dips, box jumps, holding plank for 2 minutes
annoumcements: Black Friday convergence at The Pond 7-8