Beautiful morning at the Trojan. Great seeing the sun coming up during the workout and thawing out the PAX. 3 PAX posted initially which had YHC recalculating the planned partner workout a bit, thankfully Mani made a clutch Trojan appearance which brought the group to 4.
Short mosey to bball court for stretching and then IC ssh, abe vigado, grass pickers, goof balls, mountain climbers, Alabama ass kickers, Australian snow angels, prom dates, crab cakes
The Thang:
Partner up – Power Merkins (reversed) – Partner 1 planks and partner 2 puts feet on his back for 6 merkins down to 1 jumping over to other side of partner at end of each set. Flap jack.
Mosey to playground – pull ups and underdogs x10 with partner squerkins x 10 in between – 2 sets each
Mosey to circle for a take on catch me if you can –
Partner 1 –starts a lunge walk: Partner 2 – does 10 OHClaps IC and 5 burpees and then sprints to catch partner 1 then a short recovery run to the beginning and flap jack
Repeated with – P1- crab walk: P2 – 10 peter parkers and 10 mt climbers IC
P1 – bear crawl: P2 – 10 LBCs and 10 Dry docks IC
P1 – burpee broad jump: P2- 10 plank jacks IC and 10 diamonds
Prayers for several people who have lost loved ones recently and thanks and praise for the hope we have in God.