Spread the Sunshine

Thursday, August 17, 2017            QIC – Uptown Girl

Another great day in Paradise! Your Humble Companion (YHC) arrived at the flag pole at 5:30 am; after EH’ng Florin (another guy from Ethopia) who Ubered me to the Park from The Cosmopolitan.  It’s an $8.00 Uber ride versus a $25 cab ride. Think about it!    The best $8.00 spent in this town.

I spotted a guy who I saw on Tuesday who was doing some flying squirrel exercise across the infield.  I said this is a perfect F3 candidate.  Come to find out he is a porter at Caesars.  This 58 year old brother packs his workout clothes everyday and as soon as his shift is over (5am) he heads to the park for a workout.  Turns out he knows a few people.  While I was talking to FNG, Motown rolls in ready to give it another go.  After admitting to splashing merlot after 30 minutes into his first workout; he was back for more.  He said, “I need this!”   I told him, you are the reason I am doing  this.  Where else can you find a man; who is ready to change his life for the better and be supported by his brothers.  No strings attached!


Mosey to down the ramp.  Stop at the benches.  Step-ups, Dips, Sungods, Abe Vagoda, Monkey Humpers, Merkins, Derkins, Mountain Climbers, SSH, Seal Jacks, and maybe some other stuff that got us warmed up and sweating.

The Thang

Part 1 – Free Coupons

Pick up two nice rocks from the hill.  10 reps each with rocks in hand.

  1. Overhead Clap
  2. Squats
  3. Lunge 25 yards Up Hill with rocks.

Drop the Coupons.  Bear Crawl down hill.

Mosey to mid-field!  For Part 2!  Sett up two water bottles 25 yards apart.  Motown had to bolt to pick up his daughter.  We prayed him out.  About 2 minutes later a young women approached us wanting to join  us, she was friend of FNG.  I explained this is a men’s only group, no offense, however, some men would be less likely to participate if women were working out with group.  She understood; however, her heart was saddened.  I told her that I would introduce her to FIA (Females In Action); which is a sister organization.  Since she was a close personal friend of FNG, 75% through workout, and no other men would be discouraged or distracted by her participation I invited her to join us for this one time.

Part – 2 –  Jacob’s Ladder with lots of twists

Run 25 yards – 10 burpees, Run Back 25 yards – 1 Crab Cake

Run 25 yards – 9 burpees, Run Back 25 yards – 2 Crab Cake

Shuffle 25 yards – 8 burpees, Shuffle Back 25 yards – 3 Crab Cake

Bear Crawl 25 yards – 7 burpees, Bear Crawl Back 25 yards – 4 Crab Cake

Crab Walk 25 yards – 6 burpees,  Crab Walk Back 25 yards – 5 Crab Cake

Lunge 25 yards – 5 burpees, Lunge Back 25 yards – 6 Crab Cake

Backwarkd run 25 yards – 4 burpees, Backward Run 25 yards – 7 Crab Cake

Indian run back to flag pole

Mary –  American Hammer, Flutter Kicks, and Crunch Frogs.

CoRama – 4

NoRama –  Ceaser and Sunshine

CoT – Thank God for bringing us the goodnews and a glourious brand new day.  There are men and women all of this great land that need a group of people who want to encourage the improvement of others physically, relation-ally, and spiritually.

Reflection  – Thank God I was rocking a Tony Robbins conference from 9am to 11:30 pm yesterday.  Did you know that prostitution is legal in Clark County (Las Vegas).  Let’s be real.  There is so much sin that easily entangles (Hebrews 12: 1-3).   Many a great man have fallen to lust.  Because it’s legal, does that mean it’s ok?  Did God really say, no to eat from this tree? .


F3 Lehigh Valley