8 Rounds:
30 seconds max pull-ups
30 seconds rest
30 seconds max burpees
1 minute rest
Instructions: Start a running clock. Perform as many pull-ups as you can in the first 30 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds. Then perform as many burpees as you can in 30 seconds. Rest for 1 minute. That is one round. Your pull-ups will likely decrease each round, this is to be expected. BUT, try to keep your burpees from dropping each round.
To Make More Difficult: You shouldn’t have to do anything to make this more difficult, just do more reps in the allotted time!
If you can do a few pull-ups, still try to follow the GRIPWOD as is, and do as many as you can in 30 seconds, even if that is only 2-3. If you can only get 1 pull-up each round, do a dead hang for remaining time. If you cannot yet get a pull-up, perform either as many assisted pull-ups as you can (with a band, or something to step on), or as many negative pull-ups as you can (step up into the top of a pull-up with your chin over the bar, and then try as hard as you can to slow yourself down as you come down to a dead hang).