Spartan Race Ready Workout 11

Accumulate 20 minutes total between

  • a farmer’s carry
  • a dead hang

Clock only runs when you’re holding the dumbbells/kettlebells, or hanging from a pull-up bar. Every 4th minute, stop and do 10 hand release push-ups.

Instructions: The goal of this workout is to accumulate 20 minutes in these two positions, basically as quickly as possible. You start off by starting a running clock. Pick up a heavy pair of dumbbells, and your time begins. If and when you put down the dumbbells, the clock might be running, but your 20 minutes gets put on hold (you only accumulate time when you’re holding the weight, or in a dead hang). When you put down the dumbbells for any reason, you must then switch to dead hang, and vice versa. Every time the running clock (not your total carry time) reaches a multiple of 4 (4 minutes, 8 minutes, 12 minutes…) you have to stop whichever movement you’re doing, and do 10 hand release push-ups. Then you switch to the movement you weren’t doing right before push-ups. Total carry time is not running while push-ups are being performed.

Farmers carry: pick something heavy. If you hold on for the full 4 minutes before the first set of push-ups, it was too light.

Hand release push-ups: these are hand release at the bottom of the movement. So you touch your chest to the ground at the bottom of the push-up, and raise your hands an inch of the ground, then push up back to the top plank position.

To Make It More Difficult: Use enough weight for the farmer’s carry and this will be a solid workout. If you still want to up the ante, add weight to the dead hang too .

Scaling: Go for a lighter farmers carry. Still do hand release push-ups, but do them from your knees instead of your toes.

F3 Lehigh Valley