1 Round:
Max Pull-up > hand switch > Chin-up
5 Rounds:
1/2 Max Pull-up > hand switch > Chin-up
1-2 minute rest between sets
Instructions: Start in a dead hang on a pull-up bar. Do 1 pull-up. Then switch each hand, one at a time, so that now you’re in a chin-up grip dead hang (with your palms facing you). Do 1 chin-up. Then switch your hands back to a pull-up position. That is 1 rep. Perform as many reps as possible without dropping from the bar.
Then, take the number you got for a max (let’s say it was 4 – which means I really did 4 pull-ups, and 4 chin-ups, with the hand switches in between). You’ll take that max number, and cut it in half (so our 1/2 number is 2). Now do 5 rounds of 2 reps, with 1-2 minutes of rest between rounds.
If your max is an odd number, round up!
The minimum number of reps you should be doing in the 5 Rounds portion of the workout is 10 (total, so 2 reps per set). If you got less than 4 reps as your max, still try to shoot for 2 as your 1/2 number (even if you have to break it up), and so you’ll get 10 full reps over the course of 5 rounds.
If you aren’t able to do 1 full rep, do the same workout, but do 1 Round of Max 5 second dead hang > hand switch > 5 second chin-up grip dead hang > hand switch. That is 1 rep. Find your max, and then do 5 rounds of 1/2 your max.