Slow Burn

Waking up for 0515 run is never easy; however, always well worth it.   It never fails there is at least one other H.I.M. waiting for me.  Thank you!


WARMARAMA – arm circles, touch toes, right of left, left over right, 15 yard – toy soliders, calf raises, high knee, karoke, butt kickers, lunge pulses x  10 IC, abe vagoda, monkey humpers.

THE THANG – mosey to the paved trail around the school starting off up hill, circle back down and through in front of school to complete lower loop again.  (2.37 miles)

MARY – stretching to include toe touch, right over left, left over right, sumo squat, right knee down, left up: switch, downward dog, bent knee pulls.


With all the Spring running races being cancelled this year, it has become increasingly more difficult to stay motivated to get miles in.  Yesterday, YHC decided to set up a new target to run another marathon this year in the September / October time period.  The reference to slow burn, has to do with the best way to describe how to run a marathon.   Having that goal and date already made me feel better.  In the same way, it feels better knowing our schools and country are working on an April 15th back to business as usual goal.  We lifted up our families, front line workers, and nation’s leaders up in prayer this morning.

F3 Lehigh Valley