Six PAX posted to a rare sunny morning at the Grill. The disclaimer was given and we moseyed to the end of the street for warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, SSH, Abe Vigoda, Best Stretch Ever, Plank Jack, Side Lunges.
Mosey to basketball court for line hops down the court; return via Frankensteins.
Suicides runs — foul line, center court, foul line, full court; plank for six, 10 Diamond Merkins IC. Repeat followed by 10 Wide Merkins IC. YHC had planned to do 3 runs but since could barely breath to count the reps decided two was enough.
Mosey to the Shovel Flag for the Thang:
Share my Troubles (Philippians 4:14): one PAX start count of squats in center of circle while others start at one of the surrounding stations. When PAX complete a set of the prescribed reps, he relieves the man in the center and continues the count of squats. Keep going until 600 cumulative reps completed. Stations: 15 Burpees, 20 Merkins, 20 Mountain Climbers, 20 Peter Parkers, 15 Bonnie Blairs, 20 WWI Sit-ups, 20 Flutter Kicks, 20 Half Superman.
Mosey to Playground: Pullups (AMRAP), Underdogs (AMRAP)
Mosey to Bandshell: One PAX named an exercise for the rest to do while he ran ~ 70 yards out and back. Exercises where: BTTW, Burpees, Flutter Kicks, Wall Sit, Mountain Climbers, Six Inches
Mosey to Pavilion: 10 Abyss Merkins, Step Ups, Abyss Merkins (AMRAP), Reverse Crunches, Six Inches, Freddie Mercuries, LBCs, Starfish Crunch.
COT: Prayers for people in the Carolinas during the storm, specifically for Teardrop’s nephew and his family. Prayers for Wichita’s sister-in-law who is in the Peace Corps in Fiji. Beaker will be leading a Men’s Bible Study on Friendship starting October 2nd.