Warm up: marching, (get it? march madness) toy soldiers (more marching), reverse Frankenstein, butt kickers, high knees (double time). Basketball drills – circling the ball around the neck, around the waist, around the knees, around the ankles. Alternating hand catching the basketball between the legs.
Knockout. When one PAX gets knocked out he does 10 Merkins and then gets back in line.
The Thang: Circle of Pain / Share My Troubles. Phil. 4:13-14. Exercise cones placed in a large circle. One cone in the middle. Round 1: PAX at the middle cone starts jumping rope. PAX at the exterior cones complete an exercise and then replace the PAX in the middle. Exercises continue until each PAX has completed six of the exercise cones. Round 2: PAX in the middle does alternating lunges. Exterior exercise cones included: 25 Merkins, 30 Freddie Mercuries, 25 skull crushers, 25 shoulder presses, 20 crab cakes, 30 half-Supermans, 30 squats, 25 curls, 25 triceps presses, 20 back rows, and 20 triceps presses.
One more round of knockout. Surprisingly, the shooting was better after all of that lifting.
Mary. Dealer’s choice included: American hammers, box cutters, windshield wipers, LBC’s, reverse crunches, and WWI.
COT. COR, NOR, announcements, prayer requests.