Warm up:
20 Burpees followed by some
Abe Vagotas,
Grass pickers, Huggy bears, Arm circles
Murkins in cadence
Mountain climbers in cadence
15 Freddy Mercury’s and LBCs in cadence.
Partnered up for
Pull ups, Push ups and Big Boy sit ups 2 sets, one man doing 40 push-ups while his teammates did pull ups and big boy sit ups . Teammates switch when first teammate finished his pushups.
mosey to the parking lot.
“Cone rally “ w/ coupons
started at first cone, bear crawl to second cone overhead press with pavers 25 times, jog to last cone,( about 75 yards), sprint back, rinse and repeated changing some of the exercises but always sprinting back to the starting point. 6 sets total.
Abs dealers choice followed by 20 Burpees to close it out.
nameOrama and circle of trust. God is good.