PAX: Buoyant, Flipper, Ma’ne, Spike, Easy Rider, Hersh, Side Effects, Dial Up, Hops, Wild Thing, FNG Barney, FNG Dan&Dan, Dunphy
Q: Dunphy
Shortly after blowing into town on Friday night, YHC took up the Q at the now legendary Blast Furnace at F3 Valley Forge. It was as promised. Buoyant and Spike showed me the AO on a early run, 2 got some EC rucking in, and a record 13 PAX and 2 FNGs showed up for a SANTABOMB.
Here’s how it went:
Warm Up: Lap around the park and finish on the stage (PAX insisted on disclaimer before circle up, YHC acquiesces…must be some lawyers in this group). SSH x50 IC, 5 Burpees OYO, Imperial Walkers x20 IC, 5 Burpees OYO, Willie Mays Hayes x10 IC, 5 Burpees OYO, Mountain Climbers x20 IC, 5 Burpees OYO
SANTABOMB: Pair up, one man performs exercise, one travels, switch and repeat until you hit the cumulative total.
Squat Jumps 50, run to street and back.
Alternating Touch Merkins 50, run around monument and back.
Nut Touch Squats (Box Squats) 100, lunge walk around monument and back
Tour with blocks (interlude), each pair has 2 cinder block, one man travels with coupons along the sidewalk, other man performs 5 burpees (or 10 merkins alternating) and chases down traveler. Switch and repeat until full 1/2 mile lap complete.
American Hammers 200 double count, bear crawl to monument and run back
Burpees 50, run around monument and back
Overhead claps 100 double count, crawl bear around seats to monument and run back.
Merkins 150 hand release, run to street and back.
Big Boy Situps, Everest (lunge, lunge, squat) around monument and back.
Run to SF.
Recover, recover.
TAP for Digits, her family and friends and FiA Lexington.
Great mumblechatter from this group. Buoyant said it was the holiday spirit and on our Tour w/ Blocks lap, Side Effects tried to tell me it was a quiet crew, but you couldn’t tell this morning. I thoroughly enjoyed Flipper’s running commentary. FNG Barney (did I let that one through?) had some dry one liners too if you were listening. After he forgives Ma’ne, he’ll be back for more. FNG Dan&Dan did not seem to notice we were working out and smiled for the entire hour. Watch out for that one fellas, I’ve seen that look before and it preceded weekly beatdown Qs.
Great to see F3 going strong close to home.
A pleasure and an honor to lead fellas.