Ruck N Sand Bagger at Trexler Nature Preserve

Afternoon ruck at Trexler Nature Preserve…Met at the Environmental Center parking lot at 2pm. Once gathered we did short time of warm. The PAX partnered up and carried 35-40 lb. sandbags per team and ruck 20-30 lb. ruck sacks along with the shovel flag and F3 log. Partners alternated carrying the sandbags during the hike.

Hike from nature center down mountain on Red trail towards Kid’s Peace, took short cut on path to recycling center parking lot, followed the trail upstream to where the road crosses the water. We crossed the bridge and continued upstream. At the Red covered bridge we went back across another bridge to the base of the blue trailer. Up the steep incline trail to the overlook point at highest point of blue trail. Following a short break and photo op we hike down the blue trail to the start of the teal trail. The teal trail follows the mountain back up to the  Environmental Center parking lot. Hike was about 3-4 miles.

Once the hike was completed we started the task of naming the two FNG’s. After much debate we came up with new names of ‘Broadway’ and ‘Special K.’ Welcome both to the F3 family.

Fellowship included hot dogs by Dr. Seuss (yummmmy) and beer & snacks provided by Long Haul.

Great time had by all.

F3 Lehigh Valley