Roll of Pain

It was a dark and rainy morning at the Pond. My Co Q Abscess had some exercises ready to get our blood flowing and heart rates up!

The workout started promptly at 5:30am with two late arrivals. The disclaimer was read and all PAX responded with an AYE!!!

Warm O Rama: We moseyed to the pavilion and was greeted by Abscess who put us through his beatdown to start our morning. We did some side straddle Hops, Plank Walk Outs, Fire Hydrants, Hip Rotations, Side to Side Hops, Knee Pushups, Side Planks and some Bird Dogs all in cadence.

The “Thang” was a new experience for me as my first Q. All PAX circled around a roll of dice and a stack of Index Cards. The Index Cards had Individual Exercises waiting to make everyone feel the burn. One at a time one would select the card and then roll the dice. The dice told us how many reps we had to do in cadence. After one full round we removed one dice and tripled the reps of the number the dice landed on. By the time we ended to ground was wet from all the sweat nd you would’ve thought it was raining under the pavilion roof. Awesome job to all the PAX….

The Exercises were: Captain Morgans, Groiners, Doggie Paddles, Dolly’s, Monkey Humpers, Dips, Mountain Climbers, Flying Squirrels, Prayer Squats, Flutter Kicks, Seal Jacks, Jameis Winston’s, and a mosey where we had to serpentine in and out of the rows of seats.

Mary we circled back up and each counted off a Burpee until we did our 20. We had one minute left so BOO BOO lead un in an EduPlank for the final 60 seconds of pain.

Count O Rama: 12

Name A Rama: Abscess, Banner, Boo Boo, Cratchit, Demo. Doubtfire, Dynamite, Scope, Slowbear, Striker, Treehugger, Sketcher

C O T: 


Dynamite and Treehugger are planning a hike to Sun Fish Pond on the Delaware Water Gap (Jersey side) for Saturday May 2nd at 6am SHARP!!!! Please message them if you’re interested in seeing Treehugger hug a tree in person.

Need a Q for Iron Maiden Monday. Sounded like Doubtfire volunteered himself but we just need to make sure he doesn’t Fart Sack.


Payers for Treehugger son are being heard. His son is well along to recovery with no real physical marks on his arm! Amazing news and GOD IS GOOD!



I would like to thank all you HIMS for allowing me and Abscess to Co Q our first workout. We have only been involved in F3 for a few weeks but it has already changed our lives for the good. The brotherhood is amazing and we look forward to getting our names on the LOG.

The Backblast was filled out by Me but I want to make sure Abscess gets his recognition for his partnership and hard work making it a success. We appreciate all and any feedback on how we can improve.



F3 Lehigh Valley