Saturday, 12/29. Damp but clear.
Preruck attended by two. Disclaimer accepted by all.
Warm up: OYO – neck rolls, trunk rolls, Casey Kasem, bending and stretching. IC- SSH, Abe Vigodas, grass pickers, side lunge, imperial walkers, Merkins, shoulder taps, Mayweathers, Peter Parkers, mountain climbers. Calf stretch and arms circles-OYO. 2 for 0.0 walk to pavilion.
Mosey around park. During mosey – side shuffle, high knees, butt kickers, backwards jog, touch the ground, and skipping.
The Thang: Partner up, 9 stations. Each partner does one exercise and then switches. Rep exercises done with 15 lb. dumbbells. Rotate stations at the end of each song. Station one- 25 Merkins and low plank. Station 2 – Al Gore and 25 squats. Station 3 – 25 curls and iron cross. Station 4 – 25 Freddie Mercuries and six inches. Station 5- punching bag. Station 6 – 25 shoulder presses and 25 skull crushers. Station 7 – 25 triceps presses and side plank. Station 8 – 25 dips and jump rope. Station 9- 25 half Supermans and 25 back rows with each arm.
Extra credit: 25 yard bear crawl and 25 yard crab walk. Followed by three 30-30-30’s. Followed by 90 yard race, followed by 20 goof balls. Followed by 3 minutes of jump rope.
Mary: Dealer’s choice included: American hammers, crunchy frogs, WWI, windshield wipers, LBC’s, and one other ab exercise that I can’t remember.
COT: COR, NOR, announcements and prayer requests.