Rock Wall Ruck

Out for for a dawns early light workout.

We began the Ruck up the the hill as usual.  We had to shift course when got the closed bridge due to a tree collision from the hurricane.  We stopped for a round of dips, lunges, and incline mercans, and squats at the top of a conquered rock wall.

FCC Along the way mention was made about the thought of climbing a rock and mortar wall.  The thought became action on the part of Dr. Seuss.  Something about the idea of the PAX sticking together like brick and mortar welled up inside because it before I new it all PAX were attacking the challenge together.  Clearly a CSAUP activity!

We began the Ruck up the the hill as usual.  We had to shift course when got the closed bridge due to a tree collision from the hurricane.  W stopped for a round of dips, lunges, or incline mercans, and squats at the top of the conquered rock wall.

COT – Prayers for X-mans friend who has cancer

F3 Lehigh Valley