Saturday, February 2, 2019 @ 7am
Special workout location this weekend moving from the normally scheduled time and place Bee Hive (Emmaus Community Park @ 6:30am) to Faith Church parking lot 7:00am to help increase exposure to F3 as 300 men show up for the annual Men with No Regrets Conference. Seriously one of the most dangerous workout conditions our PAX has encountered this year. Starting temperature around 4 degrees and the lines in the parking lot were frozen over.
Disclaimer Q – Uptown
Free, Outdoors, Men Only, Rotational Lead, End with a Circle of Trust. We are not professional, you assume all risk, be careful it is slippery, this is not a competition, modify to your ability level to include not even doing the exercises suggested. By stating “Aye” and continuing on from this point you accept all risks.
Warmarma Q – Zena
SSH, Abe Vagoda, Goof Balls, Grass Pickers, Sun Gods, Monkey Humpers, etc. Mosey shuffle to meet up with Dr. Seuss.
The Thang Q – Dr. Seuss
- Form single file line for Pax Indian Run. Last guy in line drops for 5 merkins, sprints to front of line.
- Sprint Hill Repeats – Partner Up. P1 – Sprints up hill, jogs back down. P2 – Squats or some other recover exercise. Flap Jack x 5.
- Line Dancing – Mosey to double yellow line, quick feet back and forth to Shovel Flag.
- Circuit Training – Partner Up for various coupon work on the Mary mats, Jump Rope, Plank, Flap Jack
- CSAP – jump rope sprint race across the parking lot. Winner of race calls out 10 rep exercise for PAX; while he recovers. Pick up the pieces of Knievel’s back after he slammed the pavement and repeat.
6MOM Q – Beaker
American Hammer, Scissors, Flutters, LBC’s, Freddie Mercury.
CoT Q – Neon
Thanks and praise for F3 community, blessing of 2 FNG’s today, (Bravo & Kumbia) praying for injured PAX, men conference, and planting more seeds for the God as we all strive to live Third. Prayers for Bravo’s job search.