Qing “Yours”
Nine men showed up for a post F3 Iron Pax workout. That madness is over and those who participated are better for it. Not to worry, this is not the last you will see from F3 Iron Pax! The F3 Iron Pax challenge showed me that I could push harder and farther than I imagined. That was tough but I surprised myself, especially week 4 when I placed 23rd in the nation! You achieved amazing results also, good work all.
Qing Yours, what does that mean?
When a guy leads a workout he is responsible for the fitness of a group of very valuable High Impact Men, aka HIMs. That is a ton to be in charge of. Over the last two years I have led many workouts, none being the same. That is an achievement. You see, I believe we are all way more capable of than we give ourselves credit for. Inside each of us is a powerful force we can harness to achieve amazing things. There is one way to harness that power in your life, DECIDE!
We all have people and things we are responsible for. We take care of these things the best we can. There is a lot to juggle and our impact runs thin sometimes because we are stressed with ALL of the things competing for our attention at the same time. It really is hard just to be.
What I have found out through F3 and leading workouts is I can DECIDE what all of this looks like. Sure life is busy and it gets hectic at times. But I get to decide what I put my attention in. If I took all of the things competing for me in a box it would look like a big old mess, chaos! What I get to decide is how those things are placed in the box. What will that get you? Rythm
Rhythm, the idea is not my own. I heard this from Dark Helmet and Dredd on the 43 Feet podcast. We have all heard of work/life balance. This implies these are separate things and can be treated as such. They are not. You goal should be to design your life with your decisions to create a life rhythm that include both your work and life.
Call to Action
Think about what your perfect life would be like and forget that! It does not and will never exist. Nothing will ever be perfect for you while you are on the Big Ball so get that out of your mind. That does not mean you can’t be happy. Think about what a good life would look like for you. If you are married include your spouse and, if you have them kids. Once you have a good picture of what that looks like you can decide to make that happen. Nothing is un-achievable for you, but it will be hard. Nothing will be easy but if you want that life you envision, DECIDE AND GO GET IT!
The Workout
With the idea of leading I decided to leave the workout up to the Pax. Here are the rules:
- In a circle each Pax was responsible to lead an exercise in succession.
- The rotation was Upper Body, Mid Section, then Lower Body. The 1st Pax did upper, second Pax middle and third Pax lower.
- Each exercise must include twenty repetitions, whether it be in cadence or single count.
After round one we moseyed to the park for a series of pull exercises.
- Pull ups
- Rows
- Partner Rows
We moseyed back to the pavilion for another round of Dealer’s Choice.
COT – One FNG braved this workout. He was EHed by his father, Longhaul. During a mosey the FNG found a five dollar bill on the ground. There were many fitting names we found for him but we settled on Lincoln due to his find. So in a sense Lincoln got paid to workout this morning.