Q Sheet

The Lehigh Valley Q-Sheet

Leading a workout in F3 is known as the “2nd Bell” or Qing in F3 lingo. The “1st Bell” was your first post to a workout. At the beatdown there was a guy telling you what to do. He wasn’t paid for his services and no one gave him a case of beer or a turkey leg to lead in the gloom. He did it out of an abundance of love for his Brothers of the Gloom. You are also capable of leading a misery fest at an AO near you, the question is “are you willing?”

Below is the schedule of Qs at the different beatdowns throughout F3 Lehigh Valley. There are different opportunities to lead throughout the week, is one of them yours?

How to sign up to Q:


That’s it! Your name will show up here if the scheduled Q is this week or next week.
Contact Us with any questions. Have fun and give ’em hell!

F3 Lehigh Valley