Portable Grill

5 PAX posted to the Grill’s alternate AO at the Bartram Trail on a glorious late Spring morning.  There was a clean, fresh vibe with a refreshing breeze after the storms cleared out from the previous night.

Warm-a rama: Arm circles, Trunk rolls, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Toy Soldiers, Imperial Walkers, Best Stretch Ever, Mountain Climbers, Merkins

The Thang:

We ran out on the trail 1 3/4  miles for a total of 2.5 miles, stopping every ~ 1/4 mile to take turns leading a mini beatdown.

    Motivators 10 to 1
    ~ 30 yards Broad Jumps
    ~ 50 yards Bear Crawl
    1 minute of Makhtar N’Diayes
    1 minute of Military Up/Downs
    20 Dips (IC)
    15 Step Ups each leg
    20 Squats (IC)
    20 Imperial Walkers
    15 Crab Cakes (IC)

Probably a few other exercises as well that I can’t recall.

Returned to the parking lot for a round of Mary: Dealer’s Choice — Side Planks, Six Inches, American Hammers

COT: prayers for new grandchildren on the way, prayers for Ditto’s brother’s health issues, prayers for our nation



F3 Lehigh Valley