Plank You Very Much!

Good conditions.  Disclaimer verbally accepted.

Warm-up:  IC x20.  imperial walkers, toy soldiers, overhead claps, night clubs, Vigodas, grass pickers, Peter Parkers, mountain climbers, WGS, Freddie Mercury, SSH, Goof balls, and Merkins.

Mosey:  two laps around park with high knees, butt kickers, side shuffle, backwards jog, and karaoke.  Two laps of pain train.

The Thang: Partner exercises with two 15 lbs. weights and plank poses.  Flapjack every minute.  Weight exercises: thrusters, curls, back flys, skull crushers, arm extensions, and bench press.  Plank poses: low, high, both sides, and back.

Mary: with weights, IC x 20.  American hammers, big boys, V-ups.

COT: COR, NOR, announcements, and prayer

F3 Lehigh Valley