06/01/2023 - Trojan - Chain Gang

Disclaimer accepted by all.   Warm up: neck rolls, trunk rolls, small arm circles, large arm circles, squats, Imperial Walkers, mountain climbers, merkins, SSH. Mosey to the Stop sign on…

05/18/2023 - Trojan - F3 Ultimate Frisbee

Conditions:  High 30’s, dry, frost on the grass.  Perfect morning for a beat down. Start promptly at 5:30 with disclaimer accepted by all. Warm-up: Stretches attempting (some successful others not…

05/04/2023 - Trojan - Just Another Brick in the Wall.

Welcome + Disclaimer (truer words were never spoken) +Warm-o-rama + mosey. The Thang. reverse crunches (lower abs). Merkins (chest). External Rotations with bricks (shoulders). Dips (triceps). Lying Hip Extensions (hips,…

03/02/2023 - Trojan - In honor of Treehugger

7 pax rolled out for a Treehugger favorite beatdown I borrowed from Cratchet,The Pond.5 core principles and disclaimer given.Warm up stretches,neck rolls,trunk rolls,Abe Vigodas,grass pickers,monkey humpers,plank jacks,39 side straddle hops.The…

02/16/2023 - Trojan - First Draft

The American military does “After Action Reports.”  The U.S. Army, in particular, is a learning organization.  Although I have not been in the military, I’m trying to approach this Back…

02/09/2023 - Trojan - Recess!!

Conditions:  Mid-30’s and dry, slight drizzle at the end. Start promptly at 5:30 with disclaimer accepted by all. Warm-up: Stretches attempting (some successful others not so) to touch toes Down…

02/02/2023 - Trojan - Ground Hog Day Grumbling

11 pax gathered in the cold gloom for our Ground Hog Day beatdown.Warmarama:Side Straddle Hops,neck rolls,trunk rolls,Abe Vigodas,grass pickers,monkey humpers,merkins,plank jacks,reach for the stars,motivators,a short mosey around short loop.Next the…

01/28/2023 - Trojan - Nickels & Dimes

It was a great and challenging workout at the Trojan.  The weather wasn’t too bad compared to the mess the day before.  The men showed up in drips but were…

F3 Lehigh Valley