10/10/2023 - Grill - Uncle Sheldon

I was surprised to see Sheldon and his M at the park on this Tuesday afternoon.  They were watching their nephew (Wilson’s 2.0).  It was good to have him join…

10/07/2023 - Grill - Cooper and Blimps

Rain was forecast to arrive at the time of the workout but held off just enough to fit in the planned routines. Warm-a-rama: mosey to “Death Valley” for Arm Circles,…

10/04/2023 - Grill - Farm workout

Warm aroma torso rolls, calf stretches, plank jacks, mountain climbers, best stretch ever, side Strattle hops The Thang mosey around barn for a hay bale workout: 15 V- ups in…

09/30/2023 - Grill - Fire

It’s hunting season.  That means ~ half of the PAX were out in the woods.  Nonetheless, 7 PAX posted to keep the Grill burning. Warm-a-rama: mosey to Death Valley at…

08/29/2023 - Grill - Keep Moving Forward

7 PAX posted for a muggy afternoon workout.  The humidity didn’t dampen the mood which had a good bit of banter.  Myra’s mischievousness came out when he dropped the orange…

F3 Lehigh Valley