11/05/2022 - Grill - Grill Gloom

The last day of daylight savings time for the year.  I arrived at the Grill in the dark and found Klinger laying on the ground doing his regular pre-workout stretching…

11/01/2022 - Grill - Push Pull Squat

An unseasonably mild day — great for an afternoon workout in the park! Warm-a-rama: mosey to “Death Valley” for Arm Circles, Abe Vigoda, Toy Soldiers, Hillbillies, Plank Jacks, Mountain Climbers…

10/29/2022 - Grill - Trail Run

It was a frosty morning but perfect for running the trail.  We were pleasantly surprised to see Pocahontas pull in for the workout.  This is prime hunting time but he…

10/22/2022 - Grill - Hill Sprints

Four PAX posted for a chilly Saturday morning workout with temperatures in the 30s. Warm-a-rama: mosey to the end of the street for Arm Circles, Trunk Rolls, Sun Gods Sobriety…

10/15/2022 - Grill - Gross

Three PAX initially posted to a chilly but clear Saturday morning workout.  As we moseyed to our usual spot for warm-a-rama we saw a car pull in and someone running…

10/11/2022 - Grill - Down on the Farm

Pork Chop (a.k.a. “Farmer Boy”) invited the gang to his farm in lieu of our normal Tuesday afternoon workout at the Grill followed by a campfire hot dog roast.  It…

10/08/2022 - Grill - Escalators

A beautiful but chilly morning brought 6 PAX to the Grill.  We were missing a number of our regulars who went out in the woods looking for Bambi and Myra…

10/04/2022 - Grill - More Rain

Steady rain at the Grill didn’t deter 6 intrepid PAX.  We initially gathered in the pavilion and then scurried to the bandstand.  It was chilly so we didn’t delay starting…

F3 Lehigh Valley