01/14/2023 - Grill - Four Corners

Cold and windy!  We were glad to get the show on the road. Pork Chop soon got our blood flowing. Warm-a-rama: mosey to the end of the street to “Death…

01/10/2023 - Grill - The Cooper

Six PAX posted for a twilight workout.  It’s time to kick it into gear as several of us need to prepare for an upcoming triathlon. Warm-a-rama: SSH, Abe Vigoda, Hillbillies,…

01/07/2023 - Grill - Uncle!

Seven PAX gathered as the gloom was ending at the Grill. Warm-a-rama: Neck Rolls Arm Circles Abe Vigoda Cobra Calf Stretch BSE Climbers The Thang: Uncle! The “Uncle!” Workout: Circuit…

12/10/2022 - Grill - Diamonds

Saturday’s Sunrise saw six Pax get together for a cold workout on the baseball field at the Grill. War-a-rama: Mosey to death valley fopr neck rolls, arm circles, abe vigoda,…

11/29/2022 - Grill - EMOM

3 HIMs posted for an end of day workout at the Grill.  Myra made a cameo appearance to drop off some stuff for Pork Chop. Warm-a-rama: mosey up the street…

11/26/2022 - Grill - Farmer Boys

It was a clear crisp morning at the Grill. Pork chop brought an FNG. Time to work off those Thanksgiving carbs. Warm-a-roma: Mosey across the park: neck rolls, arm circles,…

F3 Lehigh Valley