07/15/2023 - - VBS was in session

Warm-o-rama: Imperial Walkers, Peter Parkers, raise the roof, Michael Phelps, monkey humpers. The thang: 4 round obstacle course with 3 sets at each station. Mosey to couponville for curls and…

05/27/2023 - Steel Town - Memorial Day March

Such a beautiful morning to give it our all. Warmup – Trunk Rolls, Casey Casems, Neck Rolls, Michael Phelps, Munkey Humpers, Small arm circles, large arm circles, seal claps, overhead…

01/28/2023 - Steel Town - Men of Steel

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all. Warm-up: IC x 10-20. raise the roof, Michael Phelps, toy soldiers, hill Billys, monkey humpers, Peter Parkers, SSH, mountain climbers. Mosey around park, stopping occasionally…

12/17/2022 - Steel Town - Hands and Feet

Conditions: 27 degrees, clear, crisp, quiet, a gorgeous Saturday morning for a workout! Open House was leaving 10 minutes in which is when I showed up (yes I was late!).…

F3 Lehigh Valley