04/01/2023 - Grill - Rainy Day Workout

A rainy but mild morning brought out the non-fair-weather PAX.  Teardrop showed up a little late and confessed to having to take an extra dose of the DRP.  It was…

03/25/2023 - Grill - BOMBS

We were able to beat the rain for our Saturday morning workout.  7 PAX initially posted with Potsie arriving late and having to run to catch up with us for…

03/21/2023 - Grill - Merkin Mile

First full day of Spring…and it sure felt like it!  Six PAX posted our weekday workout.  After exchanging advice from our respective chiropractors and physical therapists on dealing with back…

03/07/2023 - Grill - Blustery Day

It was a beautiful afternoon but the wind was wild!  I was reviewing the backblasts and saw Long Haul’s workout from this past week on a tribute to Treehugger.  I…

03/04/2023 - Grill - Crawling Around

The Grill was very damp following the night rain but the Grill was heating up.  Eleven PAX posted including one FNG who was invited by Myra.  Myra came rolling in…

02/21/2023 - Grill - Conveyor Belt

It turned out to be a fine evening after a mercurial day.  Seven PAX posted for a conveyor belt workout. Warm-a-rama: mosey to the end of the street for Trunk…

10/11/2022 - Grill - Down on the Farm

Pork Chop (a.k.a. “Farmer Boy”) invited the gang to his farm in lieu of our normal Tuesday afternoon workout at the Grill followed by a campfire hot dog roast.  It…

10/04/2022 - Grill - More Rain

Steady rain at the Grill didn’t deter 6 intrepid PAX.  We initially gathered in the pavilion and then scurried to the bandstand.  It was chilly so we didn’t delay starting…

F3 Lehigh Valley