06/28/2023 - Steel Town - Three Amigos.

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all. Warm-o-rama: Raise the roof, Neck rolls OYO, Trunk rolls OYO, Overhead claps x 10, Lunges IC x 10, Merkins IC x 10, Squats SC x…

06/26/2023 - Steel Town - Post Convergence Gifts

As title suggests, plesentaries & giftings from Keystone Convergence last weekend. Warmerama included: Casey Kassams, small and large arm circles, Goofy Goofballs (with smile and spin), Alabama crunches, Down to…

06/22/2023 - Ranch - Partner Pulverizer

Men’s Workout Allentown, PA Warmup- Overhead claps, arm circles, Abe Vigodas, Monkey Humpers. Skip across parking lot and do 10 reps of an exercise then skip back across parking lot…

06/21/2023 - Steel Town - Chain of Fools

Disclaimer verbally accepted. Warm-up: neck rolls, trunk rolls, large arm circles, lunges, Grass Pickers, Merkins, Squats, Peter Parkers, SSH. Walking weight twist-and-pass to pavilion. The Thang. Merkins IC x 10;…

06/07/2023 - Steel Town - Twisters.

Warm Up: Moroccan Night Clubs; World’s Greatest Stretch; Abe Vigodas; some other stuff. The Thang: Alternating exercises.  One did Kansas tornadoes (swinging a 42 gal/3 mil garbage bag filled with…

05/31/2023 - Steel Town - Gala Preview

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all. Warm-up: IC x 10. Michael Phelps, raise the roof, Abe Vigodas, Imperial walkers, ankle grinders, shoulders taps, grass pickers, low Peter Parkers, SSH, Freddie Mercury.…

F3 Lehigh Valley