09/02/2023 - Steel Town - Iron Pax 0

Welcomed Sweet Tart from S. Carolina for both EDS, and an amazing Iron Pax 0 Beat down. Were schooled by down range visitor about how to leave no man behind.…

09/02/2023 - Steel Town - Week 0

disclaimer accepted by all Warm-o-Rama 13 ssh ic, 13 imperial walkers ic the thang: Week 0 Iron PAX https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cKod5I0K6Xw ended in

08/30/2023 - Steel Town - Shell game

60 and muggy with refreshing rain at the end. disclaimer accepted by all warm-o-rama: overhead claps 10 ic, seal claps 10 ic, imperial walkers 15 ic, trunk rolls 5 each…

08/24/2023 - Steel Town - Welcome Destiny

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all. Mosey around the parking lot with high knees, butt kickers, side shuffle, skipping, karaoke, and bending. Warm-up IC x 15-20 – raise the roof, huggy…

08/24/2023 - Trojan - Mountain Hikes

This morning’s goal: Keep Moving – which I think worked because I don’t remember much of it. All set for 0.0 but it was dry at 5:30 so I mixed…

08/23/2023 - Steel Town - Fleury of fun

60 degrees and a beautiful morning. Disclaimer accepted by all. warm-o-rama: raise the roof ic x 10 neck rolls oyo x 5 huggy bears/ Michael Phelps ic x 10 trunk…

08/14/2023 - Steel Town - String Theory.

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all. Warm-o-rama. Mosey to pavilion. Three rounds of Pull-ups, OYO/OBE, then Abs. Three rounds of IDK what they’re called and I never want to see them…

F3 Lehigh Valley