11/13/2023 - Steel Town - Blood Circulation

Early bird special rang out at 5am…, left the good Dr. hang alone. Freezing 23* morning, warma-rama took on new higher significance. Mostly in cadence: For kicks and giggles, Sun…

11/06/2023 - Steel Town - Simple Progression.

Two for EBS. Ran a couple miles. Disclaimer verbally accepted by all. Warm-o-rama: neck rolls, trunk rolls; reach for the stars to swan dives; large arm circles, small arm circles;…

09/21/2023 - Trojan - Mini Cindy at the Trojan

Warmup:Dr. Joe’s Nitro Oxide Dump,20 squats,20 circular arm swings,20 static forward marches ,20 shoulder press.The Thang: a shortened version of Iron Pax week 2, Indianapolis’ Cindy.5 rounds.Round 1,5 merkins,5 Thrusters,5…

F3 Lehigh Valley