07/09/2022 - Bee Hive - Ancestral Movements

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all. Warm up: IC x 10 – night clubs, overhead claps, hill Billys, monkey humpers, Peter Parkers, mountain climbers, shoulder taps, SSH, goof balls. Mosey to…

05/30/2022 - Bee Hive - Memorial Day Murph

Disclaimer given and accepted. The Thang: The Murph – 100 pull-ups, 200 Merkins, 300 squats, and a 2 mile mosey. Finished in an hour. COT: COR, NOR, announcements, prayer, and…

05/24/2022 - Swamp - Suffering Produces Hope

After a 6-month hiatus from F3 follies, Neon was reignited to Q a beatdown at the Swamp. The program consisted of near-constant movement with alternating cardio and bodyweight exercises. The…

F3 Lehigh Valley