11/26/2022 - Grill - Farmer Boys

It was a clear crisp morning at the Grill. Pork chop brought an FNG. Time to work off those Thanksgiving carbs. Warm-a-roma: Mosey across the park: neck rolls, arm circles,…

11/19/2022 - Grill - Menage a Trois

The sudden onset of the cold weather is a shock to the system!  20 degrees but sunny. The hunters are still in the woods but 4 PAX posted including the…

11/12/2022 - Grill - Harassment

It was great to see Sheldon back at the Grill this morning!  5 PAX posted for probably the last “shorts-weather” workout of the year with very mild temps following the…

10/29/2022 - Grill - Trail Run

It was a frosty morning but perfect for running the trail.  We were pleasantly surprised to see Pocahontas pull in for the workout.  This is prime hunting time but he…

10/25/2022 - Grill - Three isn’t a Crowd

Only three PAX posted for a Tuesday afternoon but we got a great full body workout in with a lot of mumblechatter and good camaraderie.  The weather was unseasonably mild…

10/15/2022 - Grill - Gross

Three PAX initially posted to a chilly but clear Saturday morning workout.  As we moseyed to our usual spot for warm-a-rama we saw a car pull in and someone running…

10/04/2022 - Grill - More Rain

Steady rain at the Grill didn’t deter 6 intrepid PAX.  We initially gathered in the pavilion and then scurried to the bandstand.  It was chilly so we didn’t delay starting…

09/27/2022 - Grill - Exercise Sampler

Eight PAX initially posted for an afternoon workout.  We were joined part way through the workout by Ringworm.  He hunted us down and found us on the foot bridge. Warm-a-rama:…

F3 Lehigh Valley