09/05/2023 - Grill - Draft Day

The Grill’s Tuesday workout was moved to Ditto’s home for a pool workout followed by the draft for the Grill’s fantasy football league. It was good to have Picasso join…

09/02/2023 - Grill - 7’s Pyramid

Hamburger Fest day in town! 11 PAX moseyed to death valley for warm-a-rama. Pre-thang: handicap parking spaces next to the pool, pax paired up. One runs to the playground, does…

08/29/2023 - Grill - Keep Moving Forward

7 PAX posted for a muggy afternoon workout.  The humidity didn’t dampen the mood which had a good bit of banter.  Myra’s mischievousness came out when he dropped the orange…

08/26/2023 - Grill - F3 Baseball

Humid morning for the workout.  8 PAX posted for F3 baseball.  In addition, Pocahontas arrived halfway through the workout with his grandson (3.0??). Warm-a-rama: mosey to “Death Valley” for Arm…

08/05/2023 - Grill - Reverse Pyramid

9 PAX were brave enough to show up for my VQ “Reverse Pyramid” beat down.  It looked and sounded much easier on paper then it turned out to be in…

08/01/2023 - Grill - Hijack

Eight PAX posted for a Picasso beatdown.  It was a beautiful afternoon for a workout in the park. One of the great benefits to having an afternoon workout is that…

07/22/2023 - Grill - Micah 6:8

Kettle Corn was scheduled to Q but had to change plans so I reached into my files and pulled one of my favorite workouts that I’ve lead a few times. …

F3 Lehigh Valley