08/13/2022 - Grill - Circuits

It was a pleasantly cool morning at the Grill.  Nine PAX including an FNG posted for a conveyor belt circuit workout.  Our FNG has been anticipated for the past few…

08/09/2022 - Grill - Hot Tabata

It was another warm one at the Grill.  A storm had passed through earlier cooling the temps down somewhat but leaving it muggy.  Nonetheless, seven PAX posted for a tabata…

08/06/2022 - Grill - Movement

The Grill was heating up with a dozen PAX raring to get moving.  Conditions were warm and muggy. The full disclaimer was given for the benefit of our FNG who…

08/02/2022 - Grill - Pyramids

It was a warm one!  Temps in the upper 80s.  It was fairly comfortable in the shade but the sun was hot! Once Myra arrived, we kicked off the workout.…

07/19/2022 - Grill - River Rats

The Hamburg Group me channel was buzzing with the heat expected for our Tuesday afternoon workout.  Dynamite chimed in that we should do hydro burpees in the river.  Challenge accepted!…

07/16/2022 - Grill - Three Daves and a Sam

Summer is in full swing and a lot of the PAX have summer plans.  Only four PAX posted for this Saturday’s workout. Warm-a-rama: mosey to “Death Valley”, Arm Circles, Toy…

07/12/2022 - Grill - Treehugger Workout

Initially four PAX posted on a muggy afternoon to the Grill for a memorial Treehugger workout.  Pork Chop was detained and arrived late but caught up with us in the…

07/09/2022 - Grill - 1776

Beaker smart sacked the beatdown this morning. The pax looked at each other and then Potsie got us moving because he printed out the work out. The disclaimer was given.…

F3 Lehigh Valley