04/28/2022 - Trojan - Men’s Workout Trexlertown, PA

Men’s Workout Foglesville, PA Warmup- jog in place, high knees, butt kickers, boxing trot, side straddle hops, goofballs, Imperial Walkers, Toy Soldiers, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, Mountain climbers, Grass Pickers.…

04/14/2022 - Trojan - Seven of Diamonds

Conditions: a warm 62° this morning, giant moon on the horizon Core principles and disclaimer stated and agreed upon. Warm-a-rama: Mosey from parking lot to lone lane entrance and back…

04/12/2022 - Swamp - Fast Food

I was inspired reading about the Quarter Pounder workout from another AO and, being the junkfood junkie, decided to expand on the theme. The friendly debate which is all Americana:…

04/05/2022 - Swamp - What is a Blimp Mile?

8 Pax out in the 40f degress Gloom, no wind, really nice morning for a beatdown. 5 core principles given, disclaimer given, brief discussion on what a Blimp Mile was…and…

F3 Lehigh Valley