07/12/2022 - Swamp - Welcome Back Freon!

Rhyming disclaimer verbally accepted by all. Warm-up: IC x 10 – overhead claps, night clubs, grass pickers, Abe Vigodas, hill Billys, monkey humpers, Peter Parkers, mountain climbers, Freddie Mercury, SSH,…

07/07/2022 - Trojan - Crossett Fit games

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all. Mosey to playground. The Thang: The Crossett Fit games. 3 rounds of 10 pull-ups, 20 V-ups, 30 push-ups, a 40 yard broad jump burpee set,…

07/05/2022 - Swamp - Alphabet Beatdown

Core principles and disclaimer stated and agreed upon. Warm-a-rama: Jog in place Butt Kickers High knees Wide and high knees Arm circles. Forward and reverse. Small and Large. Standing Elbow…

06/28/2022 - Swamp - More Focus = More Efficient

Conditions: 61°, clear, calm. YHC was inspired by the very cool  regional anestigia used on my wife’s wrist surgery and the advantages it offered. Therefore after disclosures and warm-ups we…

F3 Lehigh Valley