12/20/2023 - Willow Ruck/Run - Misty mosey

2 pax for a midweek mosey at Willow , 27 degrees and gloomy. Warmorama:  ic 10x overhead claps, Moroccan night clubs, seal claps, 30sec toe toes, and alt. Calf stretch.…

12/23/2023 - Bee Hive - 4th Quarter Assessment

Disclaimer verbally accepted. Warm-up: IC x 10 – wonderbra, huggy bears, toy soldiers, hill Billys, monkey humpers, low plank Peter Parkers, SSH x 20. Mosey to pavilion for fitness assessment.…

12/19/2023 - Swamp - “Las Posadas” Beatdown

Commemorating Joseph and Mary’s search for shelter. We will travel (mosey) to different spots of the park for pain stations. Warmup- Trunk rolls, Imperial walkers, Abe Vigoda, Merkins, slow Merkins.…

03/11/2023 - Ranch - CORE CAMP

CORE CAMP – 3.11.23 Conditions: 37º, light drizzle & light breeze. All in all, a pleasant morning, made that much more as Monopoly, up from TX, dropped by for the…

07/09/2022 - Ranch - Monopoly

We did my version of Monopoly in honor of Monoply’s 50 the Log of Fame Beatdownand his send off into the Army. Cardio, one side of board, upper body one…

07/14/2022 - Trojan - Comic Book Beatdown

Core principles and disclaimer stated and agreed upon. Warm-a-rama: Jog in place High knee jog in place Wide knee/high knee jog in place Butt kicker jog in place Twist and…

F3 Lehigh Valley