07/25/2023 - Grill - 100 to 10

7 PAX initially posted for a warm Tuesday afternoon workout.  During the warm-a-rama, the General drove up to harass us but then joined us. Warm-a-rama: mosey down the river trail…

07/08/2023 - Grill - Summer trail run

It was a warm/humid morning, but not enough to keep us off of the trail. Warm-a-rama: Full body stretch to prepare for a 3 mile mosey. Tha Thang: 3 miles…

11/19/2022 - Grill - Menage a Trois

The sudden onset of the cold weather is a shock to the system!  20 degrees but sunny. The hunters are still in the woods but 4 PAX posted including the…

05/31/2022 - Grill - Broiled

The Grill was sizzling in the mid-90s for our Tuesday afternoon workout.  Nonetheless, 6 PAX including an FNG posted for a sweat-filled workout. Disclaimer was given Warm-a-rama: mosey down the…

04/12/2022 - Grill - Four Corners

Pork Chop took us on a four-corners tour of the Grill.  We ran to each corner of the park for a beat down consisting of Burpees, Merkins, American Hammers, Squats,…

04/05/2022 - Grill - Running Deck

Seven PAX posted for another Tuesday afternoon workout in the park. Warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers, Toy Soldiers, BSE, Plank Jacks The Thang; We ran up Island Street, down Peach…

F3 Lehigh Valley