03/19/2022 - Bee Hive - Log of Fame

Celebrated Ivory’s 50th workout with some side straddle hops, arm circles, monkey humpers, seal claps, and overhead claps. We then moseyed to the football field and did a version of…

03/12/2022 - Bee Hive - Broga Plus Knievel

Broga – Dynamic Stretching Joints: Arm circles Neck rolls Trunk rolls Shoulder shrugs Leg swings                                                         Leg swings Ankle rolls   Ankle rolls Muscles: Quad stretch 13. Downward Dog – inch…

03/05/2022 - Bee Hive - Beep Test

Rhyming Disclaimer accepted verbally. Warm-up: OYO  x 5 – neck rolls, trunk rolls, arm circles, circle arms.  IC x 10-20 – Imperial walkers, toy soldiers, overhead claps, side lunge, SSH,…

F3 Lehigh Valley