12/13/2023 - Steel Town - Nice and Easy.

Crisp with clear skies full of stars. Three for EBS.  Ran a good chunk of the Inner Loop; c. 25 minutes. Disclaimer verbally accepted by all. Standard warm-o-rama: Seal claps;…

11/25/2023 - Steel Town - Steel Town Manniversary

Rhyming disclaimer verbally accepted. Warm-up: IC x 10. wonderbra, Abe Vigodas, Imperial walkers, low plank Peter Parkers, WGS, Freddie Mercury, SSH, monkey humpers. The Thang: scavenger hunt, 4 teams compete…

11/18/2023 - Steel Town - playoff ready

Wonderful morning for the 5 downs beatdown. Opening round bro hug accepted by all, as was the disclaimer. Bones and Whitewater were there, but not listed. warm-o-rama: raise the roof…

09/02/2023 - Ranch - Iron Pax 0 2023

Hot muggy morning,7 gathered for Iron Pax 0 at the Ranch.Dynamite lead the warmup.I provided the timer,pads and whiteboard with the exercises.We all did our best to surmount this challenge…

08/30/2023 - Steel Town - Shell game

60 and muggy with refreshing rain at the end. disclaimer accepted by all warm-o-rama: overhead claps 10 ic, seal claps 10 ic, imperial walkers 15 ic, trunk rolls 5 each…

05/20/2023 - Ranch - Fish by the Fire

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all. Warm-up: IC x 10-15 – Overhead claps, seal claps, Hill Billys, Abe Vigodas, Grass pickers, toy soldiers, imperial squat walkers, WGS, Peter Parkers, Freddie Mercury,…

F3 Lehigh Valley