04/08/2023 - Grill - Hike to Pulpit Rock

Following the Grill’s 5-Year Manniversary coffeeteria, a number of PAX and family made their way to the Hamburg Reservoir where we where joined by a few other PAX and family…

04/01/2023 - Grill - Rainy Day Workout

A rainy but mild morning brought out the non-fair-weather PAX.  Teardrop showed up a little late and confessed to having to take an extra dose of the DRP.  It was…

03/04/2023 - Grill - Crawling Around

The Grill was very damp following the night rain but the Grill was heating up.  Eleven PAX posted including one FNG who was invited by Myra.  Myra came rolling in…

02/18/2023 - Grill - 4 Corners

We began with 5 pax. We mosied to Death Valley where we did the warm up. The Warm-a-rama included Abe Vigoda, side lunges w/ toe touches, toy soldiers, grass pickers,…

01/28/2023 - Grill - Bombs Away

Five PAX descended on the Grill for a frosty workout.  It was great to have DrewZ join us again.  He is settling well at the Grill as a transplant from…

F3 Lehigh Valley