05/29/2023 - Bee Hive - Murph Challenge 2023

Murph Challenge 2023 Weather:  Warmish (72) and sunny Disclaimer promptly at 7am.  All agreed. Facts and History about Navy Seal Lt Michael Murphy and the challenge dedicated to his memory…

05/20/2023 - Ranch - Fish by the Fire

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all. Warm-up: IC x 10-15 – Overhead claps, seal claps, Hill Billys, Abe Vigodas, Grass pickers, toy soldiers, imperial squat walkers, WGS, Peter Parkers, Freddie Mercury,…

05/16/2023 - Swamp - Voting Day Beatdown

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all. Beckenbauer Mosey to basketball court – high knees, side shuffle, butt kickers, skipping, touch the ground. Warm – up: IC x10 included Michael Phelps, raise…

05/15/2023 - Steel Town - Pavilion of Pain

Disclaimer accepted verbally. Warm-up: OYO x 5 neck rolls, truck rolls. IC X 10 -Michael Phelps, hill Billys, toy soldiers, grass pickers, Abe Vigodas, imperila walkers, WGS, Peter Parkers, downward…

F3 Lehigh Valley