06/01/2024 - Bee Hive - Bucket O’ Weights

Bright and cool morning today. Great weather for a beatdown! I incorporated some Broga between different segments to help reduce injury and maintain flexibility. Warmup- high knees, butt kickers, boxing…

05/19/2024 - Bee Hive - Murph Prep

Disclaimer verbally accepted by all. Warm-up: Beckenbauer with jogging, side shuffle, butt kickers, high knees, bending, skipping, karaoke, backwards jogging, and 30-30-30s. Exercises IC x 15: air press, circle arms,…

05/11/2024 - Ranch - Fish by the fire

A few of the guys started an early bird special run at 5:30 a.m.. At 6:00 a.m. Biscuit started  Q school. It was dreary and foggy at the beginning but…

05/07/2024 - Bee Hive - Burpee Ball

Warm up.   Neck Rolls Trunk Rolls SSH Huggie Bears WonderBra Moroccan Night Clubs Abe Vagotas Grass Pickers Hillbillies Parker Peters Plank Jacks Merkins Parking Lot tracers     The…

04/27/2024 - Bee Hive - 18’s

18’s Summary: Halfback turned 18 so all exercises were done to 18 reps or an 18 count….and of course all to music. Rage Against the Machine and friends helped move…

05/07/2024 - Swamp - Balbo

remember, “it ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward!” Warm-Up Mosey round lot arm circles / circle arms Squat…

05/07/2024 - Swamp - Balboa

remember, “it ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward!” Warm-Up Mosey round lot arm circles / circle arms Squat…

F3 Lehigh Valley