11/01/2023 - Willow Ruck/Run - Willow Ruck/Run
Conditions: Cold, mid-40’s, clear sky, and bright moon Disclaimer agreed by all Warm-up: Stretches to Right Ankle, Left Ankle, in Middle, Casey Casums, Grass Pickers (10 IC), Monkey Humpers (10…
Conditions: Cold, mid-40’s, clear sky, and bright moon Disclaimer agreed by all Warm-up: Stretches to Right Ankle, Left Ankle, in Middle, Casey Casums, Grass Pickers (10 IC), Monkey Humpers (10…
Conditions: Cool, low 40’s, clear, and crispy Started promptly at 56:30 with disclaimer accepted by all. Warm-up: Stretches attempting (some successful others not so) to touch toes Down to Right…
WARMORAMA : Hip rolls 10 Neck rolls 10 Worlds greatest stretch Michael Phelps: 10 Abe Vagodas 10 Grass Pickers 10 Toy shoulders 10 Imperial Walkers 10 Side straddle hops 10 …
Warm-Up: x10 reps IC (5 min) SSH Goof Balls Half Jacks Plank Jacks Leg Jacks Mountain Climbers Jack Presses Crab Kicks Power Jacks Workout: set a tabata timer for…
Cool dark misty morning, 43 degrees no wind. 5 pax assembled and started at 5;30 am for the Warmarama and beatdown: WARMORAMA : Hip rolls 10 Neck rolls 1/2 way;…
Clear, warm, and dry morning. Great morning to run Disclaimer agreed by all Warm-Up: Stretches, Casey Casums, Grass Pickers (10 IC), Monkey Humpers (10 IC), Mericans (10 SC), SSH (10…
55 degrees; dark, damp 5:30: Warma Rama: neck rolls, trunk rolls, toy soldiers, imperial walkers, grass pickers, abe vagodas, 10x each 2 mile ruck: deuce, hotshot 3 mile run: biscuit,…
I–at least–considered the IPC to be engaging, challenging, bracing, and intense. (Actually, I felt stomped into the mud.) So I prepared a low intensity follow-on. Disclaimer verbally accepted by all.…
Disclaimer given and accepted by everyone in attendance. Warm-a-Rama Neck Rolls, 8/side, OYO Trunk Rolls, 8/side, OYO Arm Circles, 10, IC imperial walkers, 10, IC Hill Billy, 10, IC Toy…
Disclaimer verbally accepted by all. Iron PAX Week 4 – We Aren’t Professionals for time Round 1 – 70 thrusters with 100 yards of murder bunnies, reverse murder bunnies, bear…