Snow Day! This was the theme for this week. With school only in session for a 1.5 days this week; it didn’t seem fair for Sensei to give the PAX the SPRING TEST we had scheduled. No fear everything we will do today will prepare us for next week’s test.
The good news is that all the snow in the Emmaus was removed from the roads and sidewalks into the parking lot at the Bee Hive. These snow mountains will not go unused.
Welcome & Disclosure Given
Warmarama – All in Cadence – SSH, Goofballs, Merkins (30), Monkey Humpers ,Alabama Ass Kickers, Abe Vogoda, Dolly, Flutters, WWII, Mountain Climbers.
The Thang
Part 1 – Bojangle Biscuts
We marked off approximately a half mile square.
Sprint 200 meters – Burpee Until 6
Mosey Rinse 200 meters – SSH Until 6
ATM’s (15 Alternating Shoulder Taps IC, 10 tempo Merkins, 10 fast Merkins)
Sprint 200 meters – Burpee Until 6
Mosey Rinse 200 meters to Parking Lot, SSH Until 6.
Part 2 – Snow Merkin Mountain
Partner up, 1 man climbs up onside of the snow mountain and down the other side, then back up and down. Tag other partner. Partner 1 is doing as many merkins as possible while Partner 2 is going up and over mountain. Stop when combined total 300 merkins. (i.e. 150 merkins each)
Part 3 – Conveyor Belt CLIMB
PAX members line up 2 parking spaces apart. Explain exercises in the CLIMB – Crab Cakes, Lunges, Iron Cross Squats, Mountain Climbers, and Burbees. Each Pax starts with a letter in a parking spot and bear crawls to the next letter. The conveyor belt starts slow with 1 rep count, all the way through the CLIMB (5 exercises). Every succeeding round the rep count multiplies by 100%. 1 x 2 x 4 x 8 (ie. exhaustion)
CoRama – 9
NoRama – 1 FNG (SLIM)
Announcements: Coffeeteria, Drop Box Extreme Hike Next Saturday
COT: Prayers for Cooter’s leg, Sensei family, and the brotherhood.
Proverbs 18: 24
“One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin,
but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”