Conditions – 38 and misty, but no steady rain.
3 PAX showed up in the gloom for a musical workout (to be honest, YHC didn’t feel like counting this morning, so the music was just for timing)
Disclaimer given
Warmup – SSH, grass pickers, mosey half the park, imperial walkers, mosey the rest, arm circles/circle arms
The Thang
Camp was set up on the bandstand stage for a total of 24, one minute workouts
First Set – 10 merkins, followed by air squats for the remaining minute until the song stopped, 5 second recovery X8
Recovery mosey
Second Set – 10 big big sit-ups into American Hammers, 5 second recovery X8
Recovery Mosey
Final Set – 10 Bobby Hurleys into Bonnie Blairs (quickly modified to reverse lunges by all), 5 second recovery X8
Final Mosey back to the flag, with a sprint up the hill