Disclaimer given, Warmarama including,SSH,grass pickers, Abe vigodas, neck rolls, trunk rolls, merkins, Peter Parkers, world’s greatest stretch. Quick 4 lap mosey around inside perimeter of pavilion. The Thang: Appropriately with the rain we did an Ark Loader consisting of seven types of animal movement.Bear crawl,crab walk, alligator merkins,inch worm,crawl bear,bat wings and bear brawl.After loading the ark we did an appocalypto run substituting picnic benches and poles for the usual trees thru the woods in this type of run.We then did a string of fire of three exercises,merkins,lbcs, plank jacks in cadence no rest and a dash around the loop.Back in the pavilion,we did dips, balls to the wall with mumble chatter,step ups,then a round of Mary. Numberama, namarama,Cot including a quick plug for Q source,praise from Beaker for a group of guys he counts on, thanks from Timmy Ho for no injury to family in a freak 4 wheeler fire, prayers for Nani’s friend and brother undergoing a liver transplant, prayers for Mr. Brady’s friend struggling with alcohol abuse and work place strief it is causing, Cougars daughter’s class trip, Flame and Drop Box’s Mack trunk negotiations. It was a privilege bring the pain to my brothers this am,LH