Monday, September 2, 2019 marks the 3 year Manniversary of F3 Lehigh Valley. In February of this year after a cold workout and warm cup of coffee Seinfeld (not pictured) offered up this crazy idea for a workout called a MULE. Not his idea, borrowed from his friends in different region. This kind of workout lends it self to the masses of PAX. Originally designed to have a 30 to 45 minute beatdown at one AO and then run, ruck, or ride to then next AO and then to the next for successive beatd0wns for multiple hours of misery. The Mule then morphed in the later planning discussions to trek through the Lil Le High Parkway with a 7 to 15 minute beatdown at each bridge; which would give us 9 workout stations and at least 6 miles of running. With pencil in hand YHC drew a rough sketch and began promoting.
In true F3 form this workout is challenging no matter what level of fitness you are at and designed to leave no man left behind. It is open to all men, free of charge, end with a circle of trust, and led in a rotating fashion by a men in the workout.
These men from the following regions volunteered or elected to lead workouts at each bridge:
Region | Launch Date | Region Nantan | Bridge Name (#) | Rabbit Q | Beatdown Routine / Focus Area | |
1 | Princeton, NJ | 4/13/2019 | Dos Equis | Fly House | Risky Business | Ab Routine |
2 | Pottstown, PA | 3/27/2019 | Hops | Covered | Retail | Dynamic Back |
3 | Villanova, PA | 11/1/2018 | Ping | Club House | Ping | Leg Station |
4 | Philly, PA | 10/20/2018 | CSPAN | Fireman | Lindros | Uppper Body Blast |
5 | Valley Forge,PA | 5/25/2018 | Boyant | Gay | Boyant | Tabata 20 on 10 off |
6 | Hamburg, PA | 3/31/2018 | Beaker | Fireman | Ringworm | Updowns, Rocanburpee, El Capitan, & Railroad Tracks |
7 | Lancaster, PA | 10/21/2017 | Sunspot | Club House | Neon | Over the Bridge |
8 | Fleetwood, PA | 4/6/2017 | Bogie | Covered | Tree Hugger | Abs & Merkin Blitz |
9 | Lehigh Valley, PA | 9/1/2016 | Uptown Girl | Fly House | Sensei | Coupon Junction |
In addition, Black Hawk and Apollo agreed to be our Ruck Captains to pick up the 6. Two guys carried somewhere between 20 and 40lbs on their back through the 7.8 mile trail. If you measure of the trail on your Garmin on any given Saturday you will only get 6.2 miles at most, when F3 does it you get a bonus mile and a false finish.
Disclaimer – none of these men are professionals, you assume all risk by participating in this workout, modify as needed to suit your own fitness level to include not even doing the exercises suggested.
Warmarama – Mosey to over first bridge to large field. CSPAN circled us up and got us moving with with SSH, Windmills, Parker Peters, Peter Parkers, Caroline Dry Docks, Mountain Climbers, etc.
The Thang – MULE workout already explained. Some unexpected twists and deeply disturbing features of this 2 hour journey included:
- Risky Business giving us Hammer Time and Flutter Kicks
- Retail with his fascination with Super Hero and making up names for things that work your back.
- Ping giving us a time of reflection over a leg routing.
- Lindros make us do Philly style push-ups, yes it a stone parking lot. The grass was too soft.
- Boyant aimed us for a wife pleaser and taught us how to Tabata.
- Ringworm brought us back to football practice as the rain started coming down so we needed to take the railroad out of there.
- Neon lost his keys over the bridge so we searched through crab cakes, dips, and derkins.
- Tree Hugger got us nice and tight with chain leg crunches and hand slap merkins.
- Sensei gave us the false finish up the big hill, down to his car full of footers, sandbags, and big ass rocks. Groups of 3 take the coupon up and down hill. Three Times should be enough.
Forty Eight Men (48) men decided to accelerate their fitness this morning. Some (Four FNG’s) where starting their journey for the first time with F3. Others (Forty Four) were continuing on the road less traveled to being a High Impact Man (HIM).
Prayers requested for Sunspot (F3 Lancaster) and Hawkeye (F3 Lehigh Valley). Sunspot is in the hospital with pneumonia and Hawkeye is recovering from broken wrist. Also praying for all the Pax and families that will be impacted by the hurricane that is in route for the South.
Praise for F3 Nation for giving us this gift to keep sharing with the men in our community! Happy Labor Day men. Everyone put in a solid day of work.